- General sales process:
- Attention!
- Auto-Confirmation - Details
- Community Rating
- Issues Resolution
- Warning System & Suspensions
- Product List
- Product Duration
- Account Delivery Methods
- Custom Product types
In this guide, we will only provide a brief overview of most seller-focused features & links to their respective articles.
General sales process:
The seller uploads the product
Buyer pays to igitems
Order is created
The seller delivers the product/service
The seller & buyer confirm the delivery
Seller requests withdrawal
Seller gets paid
Always follow the process outlined above!
NEVER deliver a product/service to a buyer without having received an order from igitems!
NEVER ask a buyer to confirm delivery without providing full access to the product/fully delivering the service!
NEVER ask a buyer to close a dispute without fully resolving the issues!
Make sure to check the way your Income from Sales is calculated!
You can learn more about withdrawals here
Auto-Confirmation - Details
Unverified Sellers: Auto-confirmed 14 days after delivery
Verified sellers: Auto-confirmed 4 days after delivery
Community Rating
Your community rating represents the trust we believe our users should have in you. It is one of the main factors used to determine the ranking of your product in the list.
It combines:
your average from reviews from the last 360 days.
Your Dispute Rating from the last 180 days.
Issues Resolution
Buyers can report issues using our Dispute system.
Based on your professionalism during disputes you receive a Dispute score that influences your community rating, thus the ranking of your products.
You must NEVER ask a buyer to close a dispute before the issue/concern was fully resolved.
If you were unable to resolve the issue with the other party, the dispute may be escalated to igitems (after at least 24 hours) and our help will step in to mediate. Make sure to remain professional, honest and helpful so we can do our best to resolve the differences!
Warning System & Suspensions
Sellers in breach of our guidelines may receive an official warning.
Warnings expire in 3 months, quicker at very high seller levels
If a seller has 3 active warnings at once, their access becomes limited
Sellers limited for several months are automatically banned.
Severe issues can result in an immediate suspension without the need for warnings. Such issues may include, but are not limited to:
Sharing personal contact information
Refusing to provide post-sale assistance
Conducting transactions outside of igitems
Manipulating sales & performance metrics/ratings
False advertising
Product List
In our marketplaces products are ranked according to the perceived performance of their sellers. Check our detailed guide about Product Ranking!
In short, we consider the following factors:
Seller Experience, see: Seller Levels
Community Rating: A combined rating of the reviews received from buyers & your professionalism during disputes, with a great emphasis on order reviews.
Performance in the category: Represents how well someone has performed in the category recently
Average sell price in the category: Average sell price is a lesser factor to account for sellers selling at lower/higher prices, which influences the number of sales they make.
Product Duration
Products may expire, you will gain access to longer Offer durations at higher seller levels.
Account Delivery Methods
We currently support 2 Account Delivery methods using the automated & manual delivery options.
Automated delivery: You must provide accurate login information during product upload!
Manual delivery: You don't need to provide a login password when uploading the account, minor product ranking penalty.
Custom Product types
Certain product types such as currencies, topups or game keys have their own delivery method.
Player to Player Currency trading