Account Selling on igitems
6/23/2024, 6:22:24 PM

For a more generalized guide about uploading and managing products check our Product Basics article!

Full Access Requirement

Every account sold on igitems must come with complete access that must be transferred to the buyer. Sellers are responsible for transferring not only the account but also the control over the associated email address and all recovery information. The buyer must be able to:

  • Change the account password.

  • Access and modify the associated email address.

  • Update all recovery information to secure their new ownership.

Email Transfer

If the game does not allow an email address associated with the account to be changed, sellers must provide the buyer with full access to the existing email account. This includes credentials for the email, instructions on changing these, and setting up new recovery options.

You must only confirm the order once the buyer has received full access & taken control.


There are 2 account delivery methods: Automated Delivery and Manual Delivery