Income from Sales
8/3/2024, 12:15:06 PM

What are the fees to sell?

  • Registration and listing offers are free.

  • We only charge a transaction fee when an order is completed for each sale.

  • Withdrawal costs depend on the method chosen. See our Withdrawal Guide for more information!

  • You can review your income from each sale in the Finances-> Payments section.

Your Income from Sales

Unverified Seller

86% received from product sale

Verified seller

91% received from product sale

Highlighted Product

10-2% less received from product sales (depending on Seller Level)


95% received


The same % received as from sales

Verification may be required under certain circumstances!
*Gifts & Addon Payments appear as new orders, automatically completed upon purchase.

Fixed Fees (May Differ per Category)











Fixed fees apply in addition to the value-based fee!

When do I get paid?

  • Once the customer placed an order you will be required to deliver the product.

  • Once delivered both the seller and the buyer need to confirm the delivery.

  • Once confirmed your share goes to your pending and rolling balances to ensure customer safety.

  • After a short delay the pending and rolling balances become available for withdrawal. This is in place to ensure that buyers have adequate time to notice & report potential issues during the delivery, however they are free to report issues at any point afterwards as well.

Pending & Rolling Balances

Seller Level

Pending Delay

Rolling Delay


7 days

28 days

Level 1

3 days

5 Days

Level 100

3 days

4 days

Level 160

3 days

3 days

Level 220

2 days

2 days