All products listed on igitems must be uploaded with precise and accurate information, including the selection of appropriate filter options during the product upload process. Failure to provide correct information can result in an official warning.
Uploading New Products
How to Upload: Add new products via the 'My Offers' section on igitems -> Start Selling
Managing Your Offers
View Active and Expired Offers: Check your current and past offers under 'My Offers' on igitems.
Product Ranking
Visibility and Ranking: We employ a sophisticated system to rank products, prioritizing some over others based on various factors.
Enhancing Product Visibility
Using the Highlight Feature: Increase your product's visibility by utilizing our highlight feature.
Post-Sale Responsibilities
Prompt Delivery: Once a product is sold, it should be delivered as promptly as possible.
Handling Disputes: If a dispute arises, ensure it is fully resolved before asking the buyer to close it. Maintaining professionalism during disputes enhances your Community Score.
Seller Level Benefits
Access to Features: Your Seller Level determines the additional features you can access, enhancing your selling capabilities on igitems.
Boosting Services
Service Requests: For boosting services, wait for buyers to request a service. they will be shown in the Requests section, for games you are subscribed to. You can then send them a price suggestion and discuss details in a separate chat before any payment is made.
Currency & Topup Services
For certain product types, such as Game keys, Topups or in-game currencies you do not directly upload products for buyers to see, rather you send offers to pre-set products with custom prices and descriptions.