Seller Levels
8/3/2024, 12:13:03 PM

Seller levels on Igitems are designed to reward you as you achieve more sales, with each new level helping your products get ranked higher in our marketplace. As you progress, the sales required to reach the next level increase. but there is no limit to how far you can level, it scales infinitely.
Furthermore, advancing in seller levels also unlocks new features and benefits as you level up, see the details below.

Note that unverified users can't participate in our leveling system. For details see our Account Verification article!

Seller Level Examples

Below is a table showing several seller levels and the sales needed to reach each:

Selller Level

Required Sales

Level 1

Verified Account, 0 sales

Level 10

14 Sales

Level 20

50 Sales

Level 50

500 Sales

Level 100

2500 Sales

Level 200

15000 Sales

Level 300

100000 Sales

Impact on Product Ranking

Your seller level is a primary determinant of your products' placement in our marketplaces. Higher levels lead to better visibility. As you accumulate more sales, advancing to higher levels becomes more challenging.
For details see our Product Ranking article!

Additional Benefits

See the full list of benefits in their relevant articles:

  • Highlight Feature: Helps your products rank higher in the list.

  • Maximum Product Price: Low-level sellers are limited, in how expensive products they can sell.

  • Offer Duration: Low-level sellers need to refresh their products to ensure they don't abandon the platform with unsold products.

  • Warning Expiration: We have a 3-strike warning system, but warnings have an expiration date. At very high levels warnings expire quicker.

  • Pending / Rolling Payment Duration: To protect buyers your funds are held for a short duration. At very high levels this duration is reduced.

  • Bulk Upload: Advanced feature, high level sellers can upload many products at once.

  • API Accesses: Advanced feature, you can integrate your systems with igitems to manage products automatically.

  • Crypto Payouts: A feature requested by many sellers. We can not guarantee its availability, but when possible it is available to veteran sellers.

  • Self-Payout: An other much requested feature, again, we can't guarantee its availability, but when possible it is available to veteran sellers.