Refund Process
12/16/2024, 6:45:32 PM

Request a Refund

If you change your mind about your purchase or encounter any issues please open a dispute immediately to freeze your funds until the issue is resolved or refunded. If the seller doesn't resolve the issue within 24 hours, you can escalate the dispute to igitems for mediation. Be detailed in your request to help our team assist you effectively.
After your order is delivered, confirmed, and paid out to the seller, this feature becomes unavailable, but sellers are obligated to assist in the order chat regardless. Please report any issues through our Live Chat, we are available 24-7!

Cancelled Trade

You’re entitled to a full refund for undelivered orders. Delivery is confirmed once the seller completes all tasks or transfers ownership.
For the money to be released to the seller afterward, you must signal that you agree to this by confirming the delivery. If unconfirmed, the trade is auto-completed after a week if the seller confirms it. You'll receive email notifications in advance.

Incorrect/Defective Delivery

If the product/service is not as advertised, you're eligible for a refund. The refund amount must be agreed upon with the seller, but igitems can mediate if needed. For defective products with no resolution, you’re entitled to a full refund after returning the item.

Returning a Product

If you no longer want a product, you may return it to the seller if they agree. The seller may ask to retain up to 50% of the value unless the product is falsely advertised or otherwise defective. igitems may choose to revoke the seller’s retention rights if delivery issues are found.

Refunding a Service

Refunds for completed services are only possible if the seller makes an error during delivery.


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