Full Access / SFA / NFA
6/23/2024, 5:35:20 PM

When selling game accounts on Igitems, it's crucial to accurately represent the level of access provided with each account. The platform recognizes only two acceptable forms of account sales: those that provide full email access (FA) and those that provide both email access and recovery information. This guide clarifies the meaning of access levels and the implications of misusing terms like "Semi Full Access (SFA)" and "No Full Access (NFA)."

Access Terminology Explained

  • Full Access (FA): Accounts sold with FA must include full email access. This ensures the buyer has complete control over the account, including the ability to change passwords, manage security settings, and access the game without restrictions.

  • Semi Full Access (SFA) & No Full Access (NFA): The term SFA, created by sellers, misleadingly suggests a level of access that falls short of providing full email access — effectively rendering it equivalent to NFA. Both terms describe accounts sold without email access, which is not permitted on Igitems. The use of SFA is particularly discouraged as it's considered false advertising.

Policy on Selling Accounts

  • Mandatory Email Access: All accounts sold on Igitems must come with full email access. This policy ensures buyers receive the security and control expected when purchasing an account.

  • Prohibited Sales: Selling accounts under the labels of SFA and NFA is not allowed. Such practices are misleading and violate Igitems' commitment to transparency and fairness in transactions.

Consequences of Misuse

  • Warnings and Refunds: Sellers misrepresenting account access by selling SFA or NFA accounts will receive a warning. Buyers of such accounts are entitled to request a refund without further explanation, underscoring the importance of accurate account descriptions.

  • Prohibition of SFA Term: Using the term SFA in listings is explicitly prohibited. Listings found to be using this term to mislead buyers about the level of access provided will face immediate corrective action.