Offer Title and Describtion
9/16/2024, 11:55:26 PM

By adhering to our guidelines, you ensure that your offers are clear, accurate, and compliant with igitems policies, improving the chances of a successful sale.

  • Providing incorrect information to buyers can result in a warning for fake advertisements.

  • Including private contact information or contact links may result in a suspension.

Title Guidelines

  • Accuracy: All information in the title must be true and up to date.

  • Character Limit: Maximum of 120 characters.

  • Allowed Characters: Use the alphabet and basic symbols: ( - + / , . : | )

  • Restrictions: Titles must NOT contain links to external platforms, personal contacts, or social media.

  • Important Information: Include key details that buyers can't filter for.

  • Highlighted Products: Can include up to 2 emojis in the title.

Description Guidelines

  • Character Limit: Maximum of 2000 characters.

  • Provide Full Details: The description should contain all critical information about the account to increase the chance of attracting buyers.

  • No External Links or Contacts: Similar to the title, the description must NOT include links to external platforms, people, or social media.

  • Maximize Clarity: The more detailed and clear the description, the easier it is for buyers to find your offer.