Buyer & Seller Modes
5/2/2024, 12:43:03 PM

IGITESM offers two distinct user modes tailored to enhance the experience and streamline the operations for both sellers and buyers. It is important to ensure that you are in the correct mode to access relevant features and information applicable to your role as either a seller or a buyer.

Seller Mode

In Seller Mode, the dashboard is designed to manage and track all aspects of selling activities:

  • Orders Tab:

    • To Deliver: View and manage all current open orders.

    • Requests: Includes boosting offers and boosted game selections.

    • Disputes: Access and manage disputed orders.

    • Delivered & Completed: Review all finished orders.

  • Offers Tab:

    • View all your product listings, which can be filtered by game and searched by offer titles.

    • Active: Products currently on sale.

    • Expired: Products that are no longer on the market but were previously listed.

  • Payments Tab:

    • Current Balance: Check your available balance.

    • Withdrawal Settings: Manage how you receive your money.

    • Withdrawals: Track new, completed, declined, and canceled withdrawals.

    • Payments: Overview of orders that have been paid and unpaid; penalties will also be displayed here.

Buyer Mode

In Buyer Mode, the dashboard simplifies the buying process and allows easy tracking of all purchase-related activities:

  • Orders Tab: Orders are categorized based on their status:

    • In Review: Orders waiting to be delivered.

    • Completed: View all closed transactions.

  • Favorites Tab:

    • Access a list of your favorited sellers and offers for quick navigation and repeated purchasing.

Switching Between Modes

Ensure you are in the correct mode to view and manage your orders and offers appropriately. The mode can be switched easily through the dashboard by selecting either the "Seller Mode" or "Buyer Mode" option from the bottom right corner, allowing you to toggle between functionalities suited to selling or buying.