Offer Duration
8/3/2024, 12:58:47 PM

On igitems, offer durations—the length of time your listing remains active—extend as sellers advance in levels. This system rewards experienced sellers and ensures listings remain current.

Benefits of Increased Offer Duration

  • New Sellers: Initially have shorter durations to prevent outdated listings from inactive users.

  • Experienced Sellers: Gain longer durations as they level up, allowing more stable and longer-term offers.

Managing Expired Offers

  • Notifications: Sellers receive automatic alerts through igitems and email when an offer expires.

  • Review and Reactivation: Expired offers can be reviewed and potentially relisted via the 'Expired' tab in the Offers section of your dashboard.

Seller Level

Maximum Duration


Max 14 Days

Level 6

Max 1 Month

Level 13

Max 3 Months

Level 23
